Every Day I’m Hustlin’
Tomorrow is National Author’s Day, and I give major kudos to those who write and have their work published. Writing is hard enough without knowing other people will be judging the blood, sweat and tears you left on the page. LOL You have to have enough of an ego to create something you think others will want to read, while also being incredibly vulnerable to criticism. It’s a fine line to walk and doesn’t take into account things like writer’s block, imposter syndrome, and trying to create art while processing life’s ups and downs.
I have a special place in my heart for indie authors, since I’m also trying to be one. 😊 Not only do you have to go through the grueling writing process, but you have to fight for legitimacy among traditionally published authors. And that involves a LOT of marketing. There’s a reason people hire entire teams to do that for them—it’s a full-time job! Every day I’m hustlin’ on social media for reviews or researching podcasts or figuring out more events to bring attention to the thing I spent 6 years writing. And all of that for a 6-month window (if you’re lucky) of buzz and book launch attention and a rush of sales that peters out just as quickly as it starts.
Anyone who freelances or sells their own products or runs their own business understands the hustle. I knew how difficult it would be to make it as an author, which is why I didn’t try for most of my adult life. And my first book, although I’m proud to have written about such a tough social issue that’s still prevalent today, wasn’t something that was going to gain a lot of success. No agent or publisher wanted to touch a book about teenage mass suicide shooters, which is why there’s not a lot of fiction on the topic in general.
But with my new romcom, Running with Hounds…and an English Degree, I had dozens of people asking me how it was going, when was it coming out, will I be reading the audiobook, etc. There was so much more interest in my fluffy greyhound romp that I thought, what the hell? I’ll give this one the ol’ college try and see where it takes me. My book launch in April was a great success and I’ve built a steadily growing following on Instagram and Twitter since then.
Thankfully, with the next book I write, that audience will already have been established and I can bank on that support from the beginning. And I’ve always had my virtual street team, led by my mom who hands out bookmarks and peddles my stuff to the hometown library, to help me out when my energy is running low. Because this lifestyle ain’t for the faint of heart. It’s a lot of hard work, on a lot of things other than writing. That’s why I tip my hat to any and everyone playing the game and holding out hope that something will catch on, someone will notice, and they’ll care enough to support your endeavors in whatever way they can. Here’s to the dreamers—Happy National Author’s Day!
(On that note, I’ll be hanging with other indie authors at the Anaheim Central Library this Saturday, Nov. 5 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for Indie Author Day. Besides the Book Fair where I’ll be signing copies of my romcom and giving away free swag, there’ll also be poetry readings, panels on writing and publishing and kaffeeklatsches with authors. If you’re in the area, stop on by!)