Social Media What Now?

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate the confidence I’ve gained. I don’t care as much about what others think, I know my limits and have set healthy boundaries so others know them, too. I attribute this to the wisdom we gain, which is usually a good thing. But every once in a while, something comes up that makes me shake my head and say, “Oh yeah. I’m old.”

Joining Instagram and Twitter at 43 was the most recent.

Why did I do this so late in the game? I’ve been on Facebook for over a decade, so why didn’t I follow with the others? Because Facebook served the purpose I was looking for—it helped me stay connected to friends and family that I had moved away from. There was no ulterior motive, no need to post selfies or food pics, just updates on my life and reading others’ updates. While I saw things from Instagram and Twitter in the news or on my Facebook feed, I just had no interest in adding to my social media profile.

Until I published my second book. Hello ulterior motive!

Now, I’ve been to several writing conferences, and they always have panels on utilizing social media. I mean, why not? It’s grown from personal usage to “how could you/your business NOT have social media accounts??” It’s free publicity that can reach a HUGE audience. It’s a given for any marketing strategy.

Of course, I was familiar with the IDEA of Instagram and Twitter. I knew others who used them, and work in an industry that creates social posts on those apps for advertising. So I knew what they looked like and what you could do with them. I just didn’t realize the effort it would take to manage my own author accounts.

In a word? Content. LOTS of content (OK, three words). When it came to the copy, I had that covered. Fun descriptions? Check. Witty quips? Check. Play on words? Check please! I foolishly thought I’d have plenty of ideas falling off my fingers, and to be honest, I wasn’t wrong. But they need to be the RIGHT ideas that will help sell my book and my author brand. And THAT is a delicate balance.

The funny thing is, I’m doing better with my Instagram than my Twitter, which is counterintuitive for a wordsmith. But with all the hiking I’ve been doing, I can sprinkle plenty of personal stuff in between the book launch stuff. And I’ve gained new followers that aren’t friends and family very easily. But those kinds of pics aren’t really what Twitter is all about, so I’m struggling to maintain a consistent presence on that platform.

And it doesn’t help that I keep forgetting basic things like hashtags. Hashtags! I mean, that word has become so ubiquitous in our culture it’s almost embarrassing to admit that I struggle to maintain the usage of them. I’ll hit “Post” right as I notice the lack of hashtags and kick myself for yet another incomplete Instagram. And I’ve heard so many people tell me to come up with a list to use for my new book and launch that I’m gonna have to just put on my big girl panties and do it.

There are so many things you can do with social media these days, it’s almost overwhelming. Videos aren’t just videos anymore—now you should be doing Reels. I had to create a link tree for my blog posts and pre-order links so it’s all in one easily accessible place. And I need to pay attention to what box orientation I’m using for my photos so my head doesn’t get cut off!

The good news is there’s a LOT of information out there on how to use these tools and use them well. And my friends who utilize them on a regular basis have been a huge help also. This whole author/book launch thing has been DIY, and my social media campaign is the same. But thankfully I don’t have to go the Blanche DuBois route and “rely on the kindness of strangers.” I have a pretty good support group to help me grow along the way.


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